451. Be Not Attached
Be not attached to this world, My children
Your redemption is not far away
Heaven and earth shall pass away
But My words shall never pass away
Set yourselves close to Me, My children
Pursue truth, holiness, and knowing My ways
Come out from among this world, My children
Let My Word shine out through your lives
Just let your light shine out to be an
Example to others how they should be
When Two Or More Gather
When two or more are gathered in My name
I am there in the midst of you
When two or more are gathered in My name
I am there right beside of you
When two or more are gathered in My name
Ask for anything and you shall receive
Numbers don’t mean anything
When two or more gather in My name
453. I Cannot Thank You Enough
I cannot thank you enough for all your blessings
I cannot thank you enough for your faithful love
I cannot thank you enough for dying at Calvary
It will take me all eternity
To thank you for all you’ve done for me
When I think of all you’ve done
For me I feel unworthy
To think I’ve been redeemed by the precious blood
Of the spotless Lamb
Your wonderful love for man I cannot understand
But I’m so thankful you care for me
And lead me with your mighty hand
454. May The Glory Of YAHWEH-YASHA
May the glory of YAHWEH-YASHA
Shine through me
May the beauty of His holiness be seen in me
For our God will guide His people
By the light of His glory
So may the glory of YAHWEH-YASHA
Shine through me
Each day as I walk on the path He’s called us on
I represent how He’s been leading us
Through word and song
I pray His glory will shine through me
So others can clearly see
That I’m living for the Saviour
And that He is living in me
I’m Coming Back For You
I’m coming back for you; I’m coming back for you
I’m coming back for you to take you to My home
I’ve gone away to prepare a place for all
Who are determined to overcome the world
Yes, I’ll be back to take you to My home on high
Don’t fall asleep, your redemption draweth nigh
Peace and safety are the cries throughout the world
But there will be no peace until My kingdom comes
Stay awake, walk in the truth I’ve given thee
Soon I’ll be back to take you home with Me
456. Holy Spirit
Holy Spirit, come into my life
Holy Spirit, keep me from strife
Holy Spirit, make my path straight
Holy Spirit, help me to wait
I’ve made up my mind; the price is not too great
To follow my Saviour through that narrow gate
I am determined to finish this race
Because I can see great glory ahead
457. For Where Your Treasure Is
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also
Store up treasures in heaven where they will never fade away
For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also
Earthly treasures won’t last
Make sure your treasures are on the other side
Make every effort to present yourselves a proven vessel
Who has no need to be ashamed unto Me
You’ve been given one life, so store up heavenly treasures
458. A Repentant Heart
A repentant heart you will not despise
A contrite spirit is pleasing in your eyes
You’re not a God who takes pleasure in evil
No sinner can be your guest
Evil-doers you will destroy unless their sin they do address
But so great is your faithful love to all that will repent
It is you who bless the upright, to the holy you’ll be a friend
He is coming, He is coming
His coming looks so near
He is coming, He is coming
This could be the year
He is coming, He is coming
Let’s comfort each other with these words
That YAHWEH-YASHA is coming, this we know for sure
The day of the Lord shall come as a thief in the night
When they cry, “peace and safety,” sudden destruction comes
But we are not in darkness that that day should overtake us
But we are the children of the light
460. And So Shall We Ever Be
And so shall we ever be with you
And so shall we ever be with you
If we’re judged to be faithful, holy and true
Then so shall we ever be with you
We are well aware from the signs of the times
That your coming is not far away
Oh, what joy we will feel
When the trumpet we hear
And with you we shall ever stay
461. Keep Praising Him
Keep praising Him no matter what age you are
If you keep praising Him
You will receive the reward someday
So keep praising Him
462. Sing A Hymn Of Praise
Sing a hymn of praise to His holy name, Hallelujah!
Praise YAHWEH-YASHA with all your heart
YAHWEH-YASHA, your name endures forever
Your memory is fresh from age to age
Sing a hymn of praise for His holy ways, Hallelujah!
463. Not All The Vessels In My House
Not all the vessels in My house
Are made of silver and gold
Some build with precious metals
Some build with wood, hay and straw
But that day will dawn in fire
That will test each person’s work
Some shall be given wages
Some, their work shall be burnt
But be a vessel of honor
Stay holy, pure and free
Not all the vessels in My house
Have worked hard to please Me
464. You Are My Hope
You are my hope; I have no need to fear
You are my rock and my safety
You are my hope, I know you’ll never fail
YAHWEH-YASHA, you are my hope
As for me, my hope will never fade
I will praise you more and more
My lips shall proclaim what you’ve done for me
For my confidence and trust is in Thee
465. Thank You For Taking My Sins Away
I was dead; I was a sinner, separated from Him
I needed someone to wash away my sins
Then on my knees of repentance
He cleansed my life pure and clean
For taking my sins away
He has wiped out the record of my debt of sin
Which stood against me
He destroyed it by nailing it to the cross
When I repented and was forgiven
He wiped my sins clean
For taking my sins away
466. We Are Marching
We are marching to the Promised Land
We are firmly holding to our Saviour’s hand
We are marching to the Promised Land
Praising His name along the way
Oh, we’ve been called to walk in the army of God
Our commander in Chief is YAHWEH-YASHA
He supplies us with all the weapons we need
To live an overcoming, holy life
467. It’ll Be Worth It
Sometimes it’s difficult to follow YAHWEH-YASHA
But it’ll be worth it
Don’t look to find an easy way to serve Him
His commandments are not a burden
In an ungodly day
Sometimes it’s difficult to follow YAHWEH-YASHA
But it’ll be worth it
Thank Him that He cares so much
To share His heart and ways with us
He’s the only One that we can trust
Just to know YAHWEH-YASHA is worth it
468. One Of These Days
One of these days we’re going home
One of these day we’re going to walk
Down streets of gold
One of these days we’re going to rejoice
Around the throne with all His people
One of these days
Yes, one of these days we’re going home
We must have our bags packed and be ready to go
For we know not when it will be
When our Saviour will take us to His home for all eternity
One of these days we’ll no longer roam on earth
But with Him we shall be
One of these days
Yes, one of these days we’re going home
469. The Greatest Love
Because God commanded His love toward us
While we were still sinners, Christ died for us
YAHWEH-YASHA died for our sins
He did it because He loved us
Lord, I thank you again
There’s no greater love than Calvary
It’s the greatest love story told
How the God of heaven left His estate
Descend to become a man
The story’s been told for ages and for generations to come
That salvation purchased at Calvary
Is the greatest love ever shown
470. Something Worth Living For
How could I live without YAHWEH-YASHA?
How could I face each day?
What meaning and purpose would my life have?
You’ve given me something worth living for
The world around us is a sinful place
Filled with sorrow and pain
But YAHWEH-YASHA makes life full
Each and every day
Some seek wealth and riches
Some seek power and fame
Some seek faith and righteousness
You’ve given me something worth living for
YAHWEH-YASHA will never fail His people
YAHWEH-YASHA is dependable and true
YAHWEH-YASHA will protect and keep His people
YAHWEH-YASHA won’t fail
Did He fail the Hebrew children in the fiery furnace?
Did He fail Paul and Silas when they were in the jail?
Did He fail Esther, David, Elijah or Job?
No, YAHWEH-YASHA won’t fail
472. You’re Being Nourished
You’re being nourished by My Word
You’re being nourished by all that you have heard
Make sure your souls keep the desire to hunger after Me
You’re being nourished by My Word
I kept My people while in the wilderness
I fed them with manna each and every day
It is no different the way I’m keeping you, My church
You’re being nourished by My Word
473. Believe Without The Need
Believe without the need of certain proof
For that is the faith that I can really use
You see, faith is the key to truly pleasing Me
So, believe without the need of certain proof
My upright person will live through faith
But if he draws back I will take no pleasure in him
Be not the sort of people who fall away
But be filled with faith
Until I take you home with Me to stay
474. We Are Walking In The Light
We are walking in the light of YAHWEH-YASHA
We were once in darkness
But now we are walking in His light
He has taken our old man that was corrupted by sin
He has shined His light in our hearts
Now we’re new creatures in Him
The effects of His light must be seen in us
Through goodness, truth and uprightness
If we profess to be His own
We must behave as children of light
475. Bless YAHWEH-YASHA, Oh My Soul
Bless YAHWEH-YASHA, Oh my soul
I shall never forget all His acts of kindness
He sustains me with His precious Word
And acts with uprightness
I will bless YAHWEH-YASHA
As tenderly as a father treats his children
So YAHWEH-YASHA treats those who fear Him
He forgives my offenses, through His Word He leads me
I will bless YAHWEH-YASHA, Oh my soul
And all that is within me
476. I Choose
I choose YAHWEH-YASHA, not the ways of man
I choose YAHWEH-YASHA, I desire His plans
I choose YAHWEH-YASHA, because He first chose me
And gave His life for me at Calvary
Many choose to walk in sin and to disobey
But I find it a privilege just to walk His way
He is my only hope, in Him alone I trust
I choose YAHWEH-YASHA; I love Him so much
477. We Are In The World, But We Are Not Of It
We are in the world, but we are not of it
The whole world lies in darkness
Under the power of the evil one
But YAHWEH-YASHA has made us His sons and daughters
We’re sealed with the Holy Spirit, a foretaste of His love
He has called us out of this world; our citizenship’s above
We are not conformed to this world
We beat to a different drum
Because we are in the world, but we are not of it
Don’t Lose Hope
Don’t lose hope, My children, I’m holding to your hand
Don’t worry about what others say, they know not My plans
Don’t lose hope, My children, be confident in Me
I love you so, you are My own and I am leading thee
479. Within The Boundaries Of Your Love
Within the boundaries of your love I want to stay
Within the boundaries of your love
You will teach me your ways
Your love has no limit yet you want me to stay
Within the boundaries of your love
The door is narrow, straight is the way
Your voice you want me to obey
Your love has boundaries where you want me to be
So I can follow and be pleasing unto Thee
Why Don’t You Trust Me?
Why don’t you trust Me?
Why don’t you come to Me
With your cares and your concerns?
Why don’t you trust Me?
Why do you look another way
And to Me you do not turn?
Don’t you know that I am watching over you?
Don’t you see that I am truly looking after you?
Why don’t you trust Me?
Why don’t you see that if you trust Me
You’ll be pleasing unto Me?
481. Give Me The Glory!
Yes children, I want the glory
That only you can give
I went to Calvary so you could be free
From the guilt of sin
Now you are able to praise Me wholeheartedly
My children, give Me the glory!
I made you, I care for you
I love you and what I want from you
Is your true thanks and your promises fulfilled
I want you to trust Me in your times of trouble
So I can rescue you and you can give Me the glory
Think about all you can praise Me for
All that you can be glad about
Then you will show forth the peace
That only comes from Me
Praise Me for the blessings you’ve been given
Praise Me in everything
Remember, I made you for Me
482. Stay In The Father’s House
In our Father’s house are mansions
There’s fellowship so fine with our Saviour divine
In our Father’s house is contentment
Just stay in the Father’s house
The world around us is attractive
With its colors and fads
Its sights and sounds are alluring
Just don’t be seduced by them
In our Father’s house is plenty
He knows and supplies all our needs
Many have left and defected
Only to go down in defeat
483. Break Down The Strongholds
Break down the strongholds of the enemy
Through the power of My name
Demolish Satan’s fortresses
Through dedication and prayer
You’re in a battle every day you live
But you can overcome if My voice you will obey
So break down the strongholds of the enemy today
As a roaring lion the devil roams about
Seeking to kill and destroy
He tries to penetrate your minds with strongholds
So you will not hear My voice
I have all power in heaven and earth
If you’ll discipline yourselves, I’ll be your shield
I’ll help you battle Satan’s arrows
But to My ways you must yield
484. There Is A War That’s Raging
There is a war that’s raging for the souls of men
There is a battle that’s raging on high
The weapons are real but they are invisible
There is a struggle that’s raging on high
Our only stronghold is YAHWEH-YASHA
Who fought the same battles before us
His weapons weren’t earthly but they were spiritual
Dear Lord, please help us to stand
485. You Are My Strength
You are my strength, you are my rock, you are my refuge
Your mighty hand gives great strength to me
You are my stronghold so I can stand unwavering
You are my strength, you are my rock, I cling to Thee
Left on my own I am not strong enough to battle
Left on my own I am frail and weak
Left on my own I cannot withstand Satan’s arrows
But with your help, I can be strong, I can be free
486. He Is A Mighty God
He is a mighty God; He can help us when we’re in trouble
He is a mighty God; He will never fail us
He is a mighty God; our God can make a miracle happen
He is a mighty God; we should trust in Him
He is a mighty God
487. I’m Going To Walk On The Path
I’m going to walk on the path with you
I’m going to walk on the path with you
I’m going to go straight on the path with you
You’re the One I want to follow
I’m going to walk on the path with you
488. Help Us Live With Eternity In Mind
Help us live each day with eternity in mind
Help us make the choices that are pleasing unto you
Someday we’ll give an account of everything we do
YAHWEH-YASHA, may our lives have eternal value
Because you’ve given so much of yourself
You’ve invested so much time
Molding our character to be more like you
Even our thoughts and motives you’ll scrutinize
Help us live each day knowing that someday
We’ll stand before you
489. Finish The Race
Finish the race, I’ll give you the strength to run
The finishing line is not far from sight
Don’t drop out or fall away
Finish the race and you’ll win a precious prize
No sorrow or pain, a heavenly home and eternal life
You’re in a race but I’m right beside you
I’ll help you make it all the way to the end
But you must compete by the rules I have given
A prize you will win if you overcome sin
And submit to My ways
490. Are You Longing To Go Home?
Do you find yourself longing to go home?
Do you find yourself hoping it won’t be very long
Until we walk hand in hand with YAHWEH-YASHA
For all eternity?
Do you find yourself longing to go home?
Does the sin and wickedness in this world
Make you lonesome
To go to heaven where righteousness is at home?
Are you homesick to live
With YAHWEH-YASHA forever?
Do you find yourself longing to go home?
491. We’re Unworthy, YAHWEH-YASHA
Unworthy as we are to be called your children
Unworthy as we are for all the blessings you’ve bestowed
Unworthy as we are to inherit the world to come
We’re unworthy, yet you’ve made us your own
We’re unworthy to sit with you in glory
We’re unworthy to share your triumphant victory
We’re unworthy to be called into the Kingdom of God
We’re unworthy, YAHWEH-YASHA
492. We’re Not Home Yet
Sometimes it seems like our lives are in vain
But YAHWEH-YASHA, we’re not home yet
Sometimes our works seem to have little gain
But YAHWEH-YASHA, we’re not home yet
Sometimes the hills and the valleys are real
But YAHWEH-YASHA, we’re not home yet
We try so hard to stand for your name
But YAHWEH-YASHA, we’re not home yet
493. Seek Me This Day
Seek Me this hour, seek Me this day
Seek My boundless wisdom, I am the only way
Seek Me this hour, seek Me this day
Come into My presence, follow My ways
If you truly seek Me you will find Me
But you must seek Me with all of your hearts
I’m close to all that call to Me in truth and sincerity
So My children, seek Me and I will be found of thee
494. Do Not Lose Your First Love
Do not lose your first love, never let it slip away
Keep the fire burning, let nothing take its place
YAHWEH-YASHA must be our first love
Don’t let the flame die down
When there is no hunger, we know the thrill is gone
It’s a sin not to love Him more today than we did yesterday
Our love should be growing sweeter and sweeter every day
Satan is very subtle, he wants us to fall away
Losing our first love he knows is the best way
495. We Have Something So Special
We have something so special, so wonderful
We have something so marvelous and true
We have a close, personal walk with YAHWEH-YASHA
We have something so special, we truly do
We are nothing special ourselves but we serve a God who is
We truly marvel that He wants us to be children of His
He’s watching over us every day
He warns us so we do not stray
We have such a special walk with YAHWEH-YASHA
496. Any Day Now
Just beyond the great horizon; just across the crystal sea
My heavenly home is waiting for me
Just a few more days of traveling; just a couple weary miles
And I’ll bid this world good-bye
Then forever I’ll be with YAHWEH-YASHA
Yes, forever I’ll live in peaceful bliss
If my life is free from sin, if I’m pleasing unto Him
Then any day now, I’m going home
497. Abundantly You Give To Us
Abundantly you give to us, abundantly we receive
From your storehouse in heaven you supply all our needs
You give to us abundantly
You have never let us down
You feed us with food from above
You give and give to us in such a mighty way
We are so blessed you care for us and guide us day by day
498. I Love You So Much
YAHWEH-YASHA, I want to come to you and say
I love you so much
YAHWEH-YASHA, you are the One I love
I love you so much
I’ll never stop loving you with my whole heart
You’re the One I want to keep my heart on
499. Don’t Be Of The World
Don’t be of the world, the world is wicked
Don’t be of the world, the world is full of sin
Don’t be of the world
If you’re of the world you won’t be rewarded someday
Don’t be of the world if you want to go to heaven
Don’t be of the world
YAHWEH-YASHA, we don’t want to be of the world
There’s No One Who Loves Us
There’s no one who loves us like YAHWEH-YASHA
There’s no one who cares for us like Him
He’s not like mother or father, sister or brother
There’s no greater love than His
His love is far above any earthly love
It simply cannot be measured
It is higher and wider, deeper and stronger
There’s no one who loves us like Him